Poetry - Sun Chip

the Horizon warming
As the Sun closes fast.
the Skies are calming
and Clouds enter last.

Time moves rather slowly,
Watching the Sand form
while Violent winds blow,
be wary, be warned.

a Shadow approaches
Challenging the Earth.
Now stand aside Humans,
Here comes the Behemoth.

She holds the Sun
at her Fingertips-
Swallows it whole
and Licks her lips.

Her appetite appeased
with no thirst for blood.
Yet residents disappear
and Leave her for good.

the Monstrous lass sits
alone by the Sea.
Away from the Noise,
absent of the City.

- - - - -
The giantess devoured the Sun as it shined brightly against her eyes. Last week, I watched the Sun Set by the Beach.
