Dream - World's End Stage Tour

The other day, I found myself scaling the gates of an old Colosseum. I don't think I've visited the Flavian Amphitheater in Rome, but I imagine whatever I saw was meant to be the same size, if not bigger. I navigated this scene alone, walking along the outside. The walls appeared so far and wide, I couldn't see anything beyond the massive structure. I felt as though my eyes played tricks on me - The Colosseum appeared wherever I turned, even though I hadn't even stepped foot inside.

Someone peeked their crown from the shadows and signaled me over. I scanned my surroundings to see if this was even safe. From what I could see, it was midday and we were the only people walking around the aged Colosseum. "If you're so inclined, Why don't you come and look around?" I don't know who this person was supposed to be; perhaps he was an actor and this arena was his home? I couldn't identify him, but I followed curiously. "Okay, I'll tag along - so Where does this Door go?" I pointed ahead.

A pair of wooden gates creaked open, revealing the inside of the Colosseum. I thought I might be surprised to find something amazing within the walls, but I was disappointed by a desolate wasteland. Whatever existed previously had already collapsed from the inside. From one end to the other, bricks and debris piled across a barren field. The inside looked dry as the desert, protected by it's seemingly robust exterior. As if the outer barrier was so strong, it kept the inside from leaking out.

"One Day, everything came crashing and that was it. That's when I Lost Everything."

I watched the actor weep as tears ran down his face. "I'm Sorry. Everything that you once saw as Beautiful has Come and Gone," I replied. Naturally, I would reach out and offer sympathy, but this time I decided against it. He saw me holding space and clung to my legs. "No. You can't Leave yet, This isn't how the Story Ends!" he cried. "My Time has Come and Gone as well. You are the only Person who can help Yourself get out of the ruins." I said calmly.

As I was welcomed in and discovered his Truths, I pitied him. I did not struggle as he latched on, but I felt great sorrow. I have been through pains of my own, but I could not see myself helping this man. I thought about My former castle walls; how the tower had been stricken by lightning. Something of great value had been lost and in that experience, I learned to sit still with my own hurt and shame. I hope that the actor may find ways to heal and love himself enough, so he can repair whatever has been broken inside.

I took sometime to reflect on this and received messages regarding the vision:
"Why would you show me that? Was there something I missed?"
"Let us look back and remember it."
"No. I don't need to see any of this."
"Yes You do. Never Forget what Brought you Here."

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"All the World's a Stage" + "World's End Rhapsody" = World's End Stage Tour

"All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."
- William Shakespeare, As You Like It.


"Betcha if you check it out
You're gonna find that I love you
Betcha if you check it out
You gonna find that I need you"
- Quadraphonics, Betcha if you Check it Out.

I hear your song now as clear as day. I don't know if you would ever sing for Me, or just put music on to Play.
