Poetry - To Have & Have Not

Softness resides in their eyes,
Overwhelmed by the tides
as Waves come crashing
One after Another.

Making difficult decisions,
Growing doubt and suspicion,
Walking away from Positions
Serving little Purpose at this time.

They say, "Stay Home" in Isolation,
Addressing Safety and Preservation.
While grasping blindly for Salvation,
we return to Hobbies & Passions.

Desire to believe this path is True,
"the only Person who Decides is You."
None can see Tomorrow - What's New?
Find Purpose with each day that passes.

- - - - -

My siblings and I have been sharing daily conversations with Dad about the current social climate. He has openly expressed fears and apprehensions and as much as I would like to comfort him, no one can predict any outcomes of this situation. It's made clear that we are acting in our best interests and everyone of the adults in this house is taking responsibility for themselves. I do not judge my brothers or sisters for choosing the paths that they have taken and I should not judge myself either.

The other night, I pulled Tarot cards for myself and used the spread to reflect this timeline. Some cards alluded to separating from a situation that was non-beneficial. Other cards alluded to renewal and reintroduction; Starting Over. One of the messages I received focused on expressing Kindness when no one knows who has the Power to give or take: To Have and Have Not. I am trying not to fixate on things I cannot control and act within the present. I am doing what I think is best for myself.

As we continue to navigate crisis and uncertainty, I tell myself that I'm holding on: maybe hold onto hope, sometimes hold onto fear. I hang on though, because I don't know what would happen if I let go of myself. I should hope this verse helps whoever reads it - I wanted to make an expression and set an intention with it. Thank You.
