Given the Modest Pearl

When we are young and impressionable, curiosity tends to see everything with a fresh pair of eyes. In my youth, I often viewed myself as an inexperienced novice to the whole world. I tended to approach people as if they knew something that I didn't. If someone possessed some education or knowledge that I didn't have, I held them with respect to their craft. In this manner, certain individuals always felt superior to me in some way. I wouldn't say that I idolized them, but I tended to place people on top of pedestals in my mind.

One of my old friends once said, "Allow Yourself to be a Beginner," and I sense this statement has resonated for quite sometime. Even now in my adult life, I still feel much like The Fool as I navigate the world blindly. There are a number of things I have yet to see for myself, but I no longer invalidate my experiences to that of others. There's some kind of childlike innocence that comes with not knowing anything, but at some point you realize that you know better. Eventually, you learn and perform better as well.

The moment that I started holding the pedestal for myself, my perception shifted. This included being more honest with who I am and showing more of my authentic self. Living within a realm of Truth helped remove the Rose-Colored lenses and accept things at face value. Unafraid of growing into the person that I need to be, without looking for validation from those that I once viewed as above me. When you understand what you bring to the table, no one can tell you otherwise.

More recently, another friend advised, “Stop putting people on pedestals when they have done nothing for you.” At this stage, I'm learning to see others at eye-level instead of reserving an imaginary platform for them. Viewing people as they are, just as I am human too; valuing how others present themselves. I no longer look to anyone as my Superior, but as people simply being. I still appreciate others and whatever they have to offer, but now I recognize and own my personal worth above all else.

Given the Modest Pearl : Removing the Pedestal
