My birthday passed last week and it was anything but easy getting there. My goal was to get over all of the little obstacles at work and relax with whatever time I had left. I still did some overtime though - To the point where the manager told me to shut off my brain and go home. I was so preoccupied, I didn't make birthday plans, because it would be the end of another busy week at the pharmacy. Even though I didn't call attention to it, people surprised me anyway - I was given gifts & greetings from friends, coworker's and family, all of Friday till Monday.
What surprised me is how Saturday panned out. I was with a few friends plus the Stones Throw crew that whole afternoon. Their first Pool Party of the year landed on my birthday, so I had to attend! I arrived alone, but was greeted and embraced by nearly everyone I saw. Someone (namely, Kai) HAD to have told them that it was my birthday, because they had a gift box with my name written on it ... Even though those folks are friends I casually see at events, I felt very loved. I can't stop thinking about how sweet it was - How long could this kind of love last?
I thought about my birthday being equivalent to 15 minutes of Fame. It's flattering to be recognized and appreciated by everyone, even if it's just for one day. I'm thankful for everyone that acknowledged me. Now I wonder how many of my friends I can keep up with after the day's ended. Something I've realized these past years; one of the greatest challenges of adulthood is managing your schedules with the people you want to be around. It's not like school, where you'll return to your classmates on Monday morning. What can I say? We've all graduated from that point, literally.
Saturday, June 03, 2017 marked my 29th birthday. I Iooked in the mirror that morning and realized how fortunate I am to be so healthy & youthful. At this time, I don't have any major complications that hinder me from doing anything I want to. I will admit that things aren't perfect, but I know I'm doing the best with who I am. It might be cliché, but I'll say it anyway: the journey has allowed me to grow emotionally & mentally. I've been learning to balance everything in between. As I look forward this year, I'll be ending my 20's with all of these good thoughts in mind.
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