Voice of Echoes

Greek Mythology tells us of an attractive nymph, Echo, born with the gift of gab. Seemingly charming, she used her chatter to distract goddess Hera from her husband Zeus, who engaged other nymphs in acts of infidelity. When Hera discovered the truth behind her banter, she forbid Echo to speak any further - "You shall have the Last word, but No power to speak First." At that moment she could only repeat the last phrases said aloud.

Echo fled toward the forest where she came across Narcissus, an athletic man who roamed the woods hunting for sport. She wanted to express her feelings to him, but could not utter anything unless he spoke. In Narcissus's confusion, he banned Echo from coming any closer as he thought her remarks were mocking him. Distressed, Echo hid within a cave, where her body withered into the mountains. All that remained was her voice, so remember Echo when speaking into the depths of the Earth.

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I used to think people that said things to me were the voices that echo in my mind. It is my memory of them; however, I’m actually the person repeating those words to myself. When something said previously strikes me as unusual, I'll occasionally repeat the phrase until the message is clear. I realized that I would meditate on their quotes; some stay with me for as long as I can recall the person who said it. Imagine playing a record that skips until you understand why it was marked there.

I was reminded of Echo when my friend said, "I Pray About it," as he's been working toward resolving his own issues. I was surprised, because I don't know that any of my other friends have ever admitted this openly. My experiences with Prayer have usually been something I share with my family; traditionally, before we share meals or attend events together. I can't say that I practice Prayer regularly outside of this, but I've started thinking I should do more so in my adult life. Whether it's for myself or for others, I want to continue this to establish our protection and reinforce well-being.

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There are people who have come and go, that were once part of my day-to-day thoughts, but they have either vanished out of sight, or have changed in ways that I saw myself leaving their company. I know that this is not my first time talking about it, so you'll have to excuse me as I'm still trying to understand. I find myself repeating phrases to remember what existed, or replaying thoughts to conceptualize what could have been - I don't know that an echo is a blessing or a curse, as some memories come with pain. It bears repeating, because I know there's something I haven't learned yet.
