Earlier this year, I started referring to myself as a "Student of Truth". I'm not talking about literal, academic courses- rather, I'd look for the lessons my personal experiences have to offer. Not so much focused on "the School of Hard Knocks," but I'd like to think that changing my attitude has somewhat improved. Viewing life under the lens of Truth has helped me react less impulsively, be more mindful of the moment and those involved. Granted, there are still instances where I let the past linger: I've been notorious to dwell on my mistakes as well as the faults of others. At the very least, I am gradually (slowly) learning to accept, forgive myself, forgive them, and move on.
One of my friends expressed faith in terms of values to draw upon when looking for answers. There are moments where I have visualized vines wrapped tightly around my heart. At times, it feels like thorns pierce that muscle from the inside. I’ve reached a point where I can’t explain the pain, but I’m looking for the source and how to release myself from it. I did some research on “the Lady of Sorrows” and Seven of Swords (Tarot). Images of Virgin Mary, sometimes graphic, who’s been stricken several times at the heart - Paired with an illustration of hidden-discourse and solitude. These concepts resonate more than I would like to admit.
I don't consider myself highly religious, but I understand the importance of believing in something. As you may recall, I recently started practicing silent prayer as part of my routine. Meditation clears my mind before each day begins. Of all the places to pray, I feel calmest when I'm alone on the train. Despite it's relative shortness compared to the rest of the day, I find peace during this time. Even while the car is in motion, the space is usually quiet enough so that I may be still with my thoughts. What I appreciate is not worrying about anything except the next destination. Reserving these moments allows me to balance and center. Now, A simple mantra I repeat to myself:
“Let me be Truthful, Let me be Fair.
Help me be the Best version of Myself.
Protect those I hold close to my Heart;
May everyone of us Grow and Succeed.
Please guide those who are Uncertain-
Not to Worry: Give Them what they Need.”
I’ve been told, “Prayer is free and causes no one harm,” so I hope my practice will prove to be of some benefit. My goal at this time is to heal myself; to assist others would be a bonus at this point.
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Related Content:
https://atcampiris.blogspot.com/2018/11/ive-heart-strings.html - I’ve Heart Strings
http://atcampiris.blogspot.com/2018/11/voice-of-echoes.html - Voice of Echoes
http://www.learntarot.com/s7.htm - Seven of Swords (Tarot)
http://www.themostholyrosary.com/appendix1.htm - Lady of Sorrows
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