Being born the astrological sign of Gemini, the Twins / The Lovers, I use to wonder if there was another person that I should be looking for in my lifetime. Always imagining who could be the "other half" in the back of my mind, searching for the missing piece of my supposed pair. I'm not referring to romantic relationships, but instead this is about the one person you could never live without. Who deserves the title and privilege of being Your Best Friend? I found out that they've always been around, I just needed to see them first. More accurately: I needed to see Myself.
During my High School era, I created an alter ego by the name, Futura. At that time, she embodied specific traits that I desired within my adolescent self: coquettish, confident and in command. I had visions of her operating an alien space craft in some faraway galaxy. I never actually figured out where she was going, or what she was doing all alone in the universe. All I knew was that her favorite area of the ship was the observation deck. I illustrated some of my high school friends as "team" members of this alternate reality. I never made it into an actual comic, but this was one of the fun distractions I'd engage in between classes to practice portrait drawing and character development.
When I attended College, I wasn't as focused on academic-goals, but took that time and opportunity to explore my options. I'll be honest when I say that I floated around for several semesters, trying creative subjects outside of my general education. When I pursued Art and Design, I befriended a handful of classmates - Some of which I even told about Futura. One of my friends dubbed me, Prisma; I didn't question it and kept the nickname after all of these years. Prisma seemed more practical, reserved and Down to Earth. Over time, Futura faded away as I became more invested with Writing and stopped drawing regularly.
I identified as Futura within my dreams, always acting on the subconscious; I often experienced vivid visions of limitless flight. I recall getting suspended in space at one point: The mother ship was under alarm and reaching critical condition, perhaps hit by an asteroid. In order to escape, I had to vacate the structure via cryogenic capsule. I spent those last moments watching the space station collapse from the inside- then Futura had been frozen for the rest of time. I always referred "Back to Futura," whenever I dreamed of floating into the Earth's atmosphere. I wanted to find out if she ever touched base somewhere? I sense that Futura landed recently and is now emerging from the cocoon state.
This year, I noticed that I've been attracted to Constellations and Floral print in fashion, whether it's casual or for office - I started referring to this theme as, "Cosmos & Cosmos," of Stars and Flowers. I've been thinking, Maybe this is where Futura and Prisma finally meet? There are moments when I'll second guess myself and ask questions internally; I've started identifying when each twin is talking. They're definitely two halves of the same whole. I don't know that people are willing to understand or accept this concept, but it's helping me understand different aspects of who I am. When the Twins join together, they form a wonderful and amazing union that is Paris. I'm happy to recognize myself in all of it.
Thank You for seeing Me through All of This. -- futura/prisma, at camp iris.
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Related Content: - Cosmos & Cosmos (2019) - "Back to Futura" (2009) - Flying Grind, illustration of Futura, of the Skies/Stars (2011) - Sunflower Bathing, illustration of Prisma, of the Flowers (2012)
During my High School era, I created an alter ego by the name, Futura. At that time, she embodied specific traits that I desired within my adolescent self: coquettish, confident and in command. I had visions of her operating an alien space craft in some faraway galaxy. I never actually figured out where she was going, or what she was doing all alone in the universe. All I knew was that her favorite area of the ship was the observation deck. I illustrated some of my high school friends as "team" members of this alternate reality. I never made it into an actual comic, but this was one of the fun distractions I'd engage in between classes to practice portrait drawing and character development.
When I attended College, I wasn't as focused on academic-goals, but took that time and opportunity to explore my options. I'll be honest when I say that I floated around for several semesters, trying creative subjects outside of my general education. When I pursued Art and Design, I befriended a handful of classmates - Some of which I even told about Futura. One of my friends dubbed me, Prisma; I didn't question it and kept the nickname after all of these years. Prisma seemed more practical, reserved and Down to Earth. Over time, Futura faded away as I became more invested with Writing and stopped drawing regularly.
I identified as Futura within my dreams, always acting on the subconscious; I often experienced vivid visions of limitless flight. I recall getting suspended in space at one point: The mother ship was under alarm and reaching critical condition, perhaps hit by an asteroid. In order to escape, I had to vacate the structure via cryogenic capsule. I spent those last moments watching the space station collapse from the inside- then Futura had been frozen for the rest of time. I always referred "Back to Futura," whenever I dreamed of floating into the Earth's atmosphere. I wanted to find out if she ever touched base somewhere? I sense that Futura landed recently and is now emerging from the cocoon state.
This year, I noticed that I've been attracted to Constellations and Floral print in fashion, whether it's casual or for office - I started referring to this theme as, "Cosmos & Cosmos," of Stars and Flowers. I've been thinking, Maybe this is where Futura and Prisma finally meet? There are moments when I'll second guess myself and ask questions internally; I've started identifying when each twin is talking. They're definitely two halves of the same whole. I don't know that people are willing to understand or accept this concept, but it's helping me understand different aspects of who I am. When the Twins join together, they form a wonderful and amazing union that is Paris. I'm happy to recognize myself in all of it.
Thank You for seeing Me through All of This. -- futura/prisma, at camp iris.
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Related Content: - Cosmos & Cosmos (2019) - "Back to Futura" (2009) - Flying Grind, illustration of Futura, of the Skies/Stars (2011) - Sunflower Bathing, illustration of Prisma, of the Flowers (2012)
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