
One of my friends previously encouraged me to "Protect All Women" if I ever saw someone in Danger. When I initially received this message, I doubted my abilities to do so, as with my past experiences, I have been Self-Conscious of my voice and easily silenced under pressure. After having opportunities to speak on my own as well as defend others, I have a greater appreciation for that sentiment. I understand that to intervene certain situations can be a Danger in itself, as I don't know what other people are capable of. The fact is, I refuse to be silent of the blatant displays of harassment and disrespect.

While waiting for the train to go to work, a young lady crossed my path, followed by an aggressive, husky guy. I didn't know either of them, but their tone and body language spoke volumes. They talked so loudly, their voices surpassed my headphones. The girl verbally established her boundaries multiple times, telling him that she didn't want to be Touched. The guy continued his pursuits, grabbing her arms and pushing her, but she pulled away at each opening. It became painfully clear that she had been dodging him. As he pleaded with her to stay, he berated her for "causing a scene".

Other people waited at this train station too, but I don't know that anyone tried to intervene. As I watched the guy circle this young lady, I grew just as uncomfortable. I couldn't simply stand there and pretend as if it weren't happening in front of me. I removed my headphones and said, "Hey man, Leave Her Alone." His reply, "-The Fuck? Don't get in My way!" "Dude, I'm not even Touching You. Just Don't Touch Her." I didn't make a physical barrier between them, but I said my part and kept an eye on Her. Soon after, I overheard the girl say, "Don't be bugging people at the Train Station!"

As the train started approaching us, the guy gave up and walked away; the young lady turned to me at the sliding doors to Thank Me and I nodded in acknowledgement. Before we boarded, I asked if She was Okay - She said she'd be alright and with that, we parted ways. I sense this girl crossed paths along the Train Station, hoping someone would notice her vulnerable position. Without a doubt, I'm glad that I made myself present, even if it meant risking my own safety for a moment. I'm even more thankful that she shielded me in return; we were complete strangers defending one another.

When I visited the Philippines with my family earlier this month, I felt inadequate with little things, like being brave enough to cross the streets. Many of my cousins encouraged me to be confident though, saying "(Filipino) Women are Strong." I'm advised to remain calm and kind as I exercise confidence. To be honest, I didn't feel fearful, anxious or intimidated when I spoke up - I wanted to bring volume to a Voice that was not being heard. I didn't feel overly confident in my actions, but I think I did the Right thing to step in this time. I look forward to improving this new relationship with P.O.W.E.R. - Protecting Other Women Everywhere Religiously. 
