Poetry - Breakfast in Mind

Fantasies of a Man Inviting Me in,
Glimpse of his home; I've never been.
Honey, I think your Third Eye is calling!
Does He know it's Active? I'm Wondering.

Open confession, without hesitation:
"I dreamed of Breakfast at your place,"
"Nice. What did we Eat?" "Bacon and Eggs-
the Other Half to my Morning sandwich..."

Another Vision came upon my wake:
As I lay in bed, he's a few yards away.
He turns to Smile while overlooking,
Hands at the stove, happily cooking.

Strange: I've never seen him prepare,
though I'm curious the implication.
What do I make of this Day Dream?
I hope he knows his Energy is Present.

As we laugh and exchange messages,
distance means virtually nothing.
Should we reconnect after this absence,
Let's make time to eat something.

- - - - -
I used to think I had an overactive imagination and my dreams involving others was my subconscious calling upon those people. I've started wondering if Third Eye communication is activated whenever an invisible barrier makes it difficult for us to talk. In the past, I felt vibrations so intensely that it was debilitating to a degree. Now that I know how to identify those signals, the sensation isn't as painful as before. The visions I receive are often vague, but I've been able to interpret some of it on my own.

Regarding this theme of shared meals and communion, I can confidently say this person has appeared in my dream space multiple times in the past. It no longer surprises me that it happens, as I always find myself in pleasant company when we do gather. Once I asked if he remembered any of His Dreams, but he says he's long since forgotten. I guess that's why I'm the Messenger. I'm inclined to believe my Vision of having breakfast with this person is just another thing that's waiting to happen.

Never Underestimate your Mind's ability to reveal Your Wants and Desires. Good Morning / Good Night.
