Any Truth Phrases God

One of my friends asked how I celebrated the New Year and of all the things I could have done, I came into it praying. My final evening of 2020 was spent at home with the family - instead of our traditional count down party, most of us were heading off to bed by 11:30 PM. While I waited for the clock to strike midnight, I lied in bed with my hands folded. During this rare moment of silence, I thought about the people I encountered over the year and those that helped me see beyond my own perceptions of the world. I don't think there's anything I would want more than for myself and loved ones to be Protected from harm.

Within the past year I'd say I've been extremely mindful about how I use my voice as I learned the value of, "Words are Spells." I've been more intentional with how I talk; considering manifestation by means of speaking something aloud into it's existence. I strongly identify with the Greek God, Hermes and what he represents as the Messenger. I make it a point to communicate knowledge as it benefits others, and what better way to exercise this ability than with Prayer. I don't know if having meditated, internal conversations with myself is actually Praying with God, but I feel this is the closest association that I could think of.

My parents are faithful Christians and Prayer is essential to their lifestyle. Praying before meals, before bedtime; Prayer during worship and during hardship. Sometimes, answered Prayers can be the cause for celebration. Any occasion can serve as an opportunity to Speak with God, so why not? Years ago when my Grandmother passed, I was afraid I'd never get a chance to speak with her again, but My sister said, "You're already talking to her. We're talking to her all the Time." If you knew that this would be your last moment on Earth, what would you want to say? It makes sense that people would Pray, not only to Ask, but to Give Thanks as well.

Another friend shared with me, "Everyone is their own Religion," and I thought this statement was greatly profound. The reality that everyone subscribes to their own beliefs and acts in ways that serves them. It's almost sad that mankind has managed to make a joke out of the phrase, "sending Thoughts and Prayers." We could even go so far to say that giving well wishes is the bare minimum for Humanity, but some people don't even do that. In my own practice, I realized kindness and warmth might be the only option for some of us, because that's all we have left at the end of the day. The beauty in spiritual practice is that Prayer is Free; it can be done by anyone, for anyone.

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Thoughts and Prayers : Any Truth Phrases God
