It's been an entire year since I started working at the current office and in my experience, time hasn't slowed down at all. I give Thanks for all the opportunities in daily prayer, as this position inspired much of what's on my path today. I've developed meaningful working-relationships with the office staff and have learned so much, simply interacting with the people that come into our office. I'm thankful being on this timeline as I've gained enough confidence to start supporting my own dreams and continue growing into the person I want to be. It's an extremely productive and often tiring position, but I'm convinced that this work is necessary for me to level up and evolve.
One of the most valuable experiences I've gained this year is nurturing the bonds shared with my coworkers. There are only a few of us who handle the front and we spend many hours of the day working side by side. This current timeline feels different than any previous experience I've had bonding with other females. In the first few months of my employment, there were many moments that I wondered why I hadn't met these people sooner? Someone suggested that it might be because I wasn't ready to fully appreciate this experience before. I suppose it's true; all of my prior roles showed me everything that I wasn't willing to tolerate. Finding this place and these people has turned out to be one of the best things that's ever happened.
One of the most valuable experiences I've gained this year is nurturing the bonds shared with my coworkers. There are only a few of us who handle the front and we spend many hours of the day working side by side. This current timeline feels different than any previous experience I've had bonding with other females. In the first few months of my employment, there were many moments that I wondered why I hadn't met these people sooner? Someone suggested that it might be because I wasn't ready to fully appreciate this experience before. I suppose it's true; all of my prior roles showed me everything that I wasn't willing to tolerate. Finding this place and these people has turned out to be one of the best things that's ever happened.
More recently, I feel I've been welcomed into an office Coven of sorts. We often share personal stories, anecdotes and exchange lessons with one another. In our discussions, they often help me process parts of the experience that I don't understand. We hold thought provoking conversations, helping each other see different perspectives. My coworkers have helped me reawaken parts of myself that I thought I lost. I'm particularly thankful for my Sisters, as they genuinely care for and protect themselves and their loved ones. I feel highly encouraged to continue my own practice - I'm grateful that they accept who I am and the person I'm becoming. All of which reminds me to be open and receptive to the opportunities ahead.
As the Southern California Fall shifts into Winter, I've been thinking about how much I've changed as an individual. The days blend well into one another now more than ever and sometimes I find it difficult to believe that I've made it this far. Admittedly, I have goals I'd like to complete while working with this office before I decide to move on. Returning to school and pursuing certification is one of the most prominent ones. My current role offers stability and peace of mind that I need at this time; I don't worry nearly as much as I did in the past and the space feels right. There are times when the path moving forward still intimidates me, but as I'm living it I realize I just need to keep the momentum going while I have it.
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Cover on the Mend
Omen Chord Event
The Modern Coven
Cover on the Mend
Omen Chord Event
The Modern Coven
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