Dream - Beware the BEAR

I remember walking along a trail and seeing a wild beast in the distance. They lashed left and right, charging toward the people ahead of me. I imagined the beast was a bear mauling innocent bystanders. I heard their growls and claws shred bodies from afar. The bear came close and I felt fearful, but I swiftly dodged their attacks. In that moment, it felt like I had lightning agility, almost as if teleporting. Their movements appeared to me on a Radar, so I could move to safety. There was enough distance between us for me to escape.

I know the memory I draw upon here is a dream and this entire situation never actually happened. Lucid dreaming is something that has come naturally to me and I’ve only grown more introspective because of it. Initially, I assumed the bear was someone I knew, because I was recently informed that someone slandered me behind my back. I have no desire to fight, so my gut response was to flee from danger. I’m starting to realize what I witnessed may be something greater than any person I’ve ever known.

What if the bear wasn’t actually an animal, but instead a manifestation of temptations that we succumb to when we are weak? I’m learning that being under any influence is not necessarily superhuman, but actually creates a handicap. Substances give us the illusion that More is Possible, but Reality is lacking the necessary motor skills to function properly. I’ve come to the conclusion that I dodged the beast as I perceived them in sobriety. Even though I know this was just another dream, I felt the need to avoid the conflict there and found my exit.

Even at my adult age, I’m still new to certain life experiences and most who know me have only ever met the Sober me. Currently, there are external forces that are influencing my submission. While some of my experiences have felt pleasant, I realize those are fabrications, as my mind is not where it normally would be. Sometimes it feels like my Sober self makes foolish mistakes, but I’m reminded that it’s normal to be imperfect. While it’s easy to watch a beast take its prey, it requires fortitude to live above it. I see now why they say “Discipline is Self-Love in motion.”

Beware the BEAR: Body Engaging Altered Reality.
