Invest the Pure Rapport

At an earlier point of my life, I had time to explore many creative hobbies and interests. In my adolescence, I very much enjoyed walking around anime and comic conventions. I had fun meeting fellow fanatics and making friends with people who share similar passions. This happened frequently enough for me to follow some of my favorite artists and see them evolve and expand over time. I’ve made it a point to visit and support any friends who have their own tables. I understand now that this is the kind of engagement that builds community.

Every now and then, I may have day dreamed about having my own table at Artist Alley. Sadly, that never became a reality for me, because I wasn’t confident that my art would sell. Perhaps I was more curious than anything back then, but never invested so much of myself. Over time, my goals shifted and Art became one of those outlets that gives me a chance to connect with others. Unfortunately, I don’t have as much energy to explore my old dreams these days. However, having started dating an artist, I feel like I’m able to experience some of those joys with them.

Late last month, I went to WonderCon with my Boyfriend. It marks our second time attending this convention together, so I took an opportunity to learn from our previous outing. Even though I’m not the artist preparing prints to sell, I brought my organizational skills to the table and prepared snacks for our long days. Even with all of the time I spent planning for it, this convention required more energy than what I’m normally used to giving. At the end of the event, it felt like there was a collective sigh of relief to celebrate our dedication and efforts. All in all, I’m glad I could be by his side and support him over the weekend.

Over the last year, I’ve met a handful of other artists and their respective partners in this community. It’s been great making new friends with these people and sharing spaces with the Drink and Draw crowd has brought lots of joy. The experience of tabling at the convention also shows me what it means to contribute to my partner and their goals. I understand the value of being a teammate to my most cherished person, because they shouldn’t have to do everything alone. It gives me great comfort knowing that this type of dynamic is common among the couples we know.

Previously, another one of my friends spoke up when it came to pursuing their passions: “I Love this [art] and I Believe in its success.” I shared those words with my Boyfriend at this recent WonderCon weekend because I finally understood it then and felt it for myself. There are times I feel I’ve given up on my artistic self, but being with someone who actively pursues it gives me something to believe in and cheer for. Lately, I wonder about what I work toward, and having moments where someone I admire can flourish is a nice feeling. To contribute selflessly and serve as someone’s pillar has to be one of the sweetest forms of Love.


Invest the Pure Rapport
Heart Put Proper Invest
Proper Past Virtue then
The Supportive Partner
