Dear Charm, Soar Away

When I was younger, I used to believe in the fairy-tale idea that some prince charming might enter my world and save me from the woes of life. I had this wild notion that other people could make my problems disappear, when in actuality they just contributed to it. After making many mistakes and taking some life lessons to heart, I finally chose to be the hero. I explored the depths of despair and saved myself, physically, mentally, emotionally. I regained a sense of self and discovered my strengths as an individual. I grew better acquainted with who I was and became the protector that I desired. 

One year ago, I took a chance and asked an old friend out. He told me about his New Year Tradition of attending Buddhist worship service at his local temple. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew that I wanted to see him. When New Year’s Day arrived, I headed downtown toward the event. By the time I secured parking, there was already a long line waiting to enter and I didn’t see myself moving anytime soon. After a few missed calls and some scrambling, we found each other in the crowd and reunited in a warm embrace. 

Looking back on our first date, deep down inside, neither of us wanted that day to end. We agreed that New Year’s Day marked the beginning of our dating relationship and haven’t let go since. Every now and then, we’ll return to this memory and ask ourselves why it didn’t happen any sooner? We’ve been knowing each other for nearly 15 years after all. He recently told me that my Love is something that mustn’t be taken for granted; what a sweet sentiment. I’m Thankful I get to experience his tenderness and loyalty in this lifetime. 

Approaching the dawn of 2024: We decided to ring in the new year together, returning to the Buddhist temple where this chapter began. It was nice joining the main event this time around, having regularly attended their Goma Services for the past year. I realized that exploring religion in such a way has helped me worship more regularly and grow closer to someone that I love. Practicing prayer in this manner helps me cleanse spiritually, and I’m happy knowing that there’s someone special I can share these experiences with. 

As the congregation exited, the temple offered special New Year Omamori for visitors in the parking lot. While looking at their displays and gift selections, my boyfriend turned to me and said, “I want to get an Arrow for You. I want to Protect you.” While I’m not particularly big on gifts, something about this felt so sweet. Hearing him say those words warmed my heart, as if making a declaration of love and devotion. Speaking Affirmations so that I feel safe in his presence; something that made our moment that much more meaningful.

In my adult life, I didn’t think I would start a relationship with someone who mirrors the kind of Love I actively give myself. I didn’t hold any expectations when it came to being protected, when I’ve learned how to shield myself. This person consistently acts with kindness and compassion, knowing some of the challenges I’ve faced to get to this point. They have given me space to grow and support when I need it. It has been so nice discovering these qualities in someone that I deeply care for as well. I feel loved knowing that this man chooses to be in my life and understands who I am becoming. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Dear charm, soar away
Armor as arched away 
Drama roars each way
Sacred Arrow Hamaya 


