Dream - Arrivals and Departures

A few months ago: I dreamt that I woke up in an airplane and I landed in Japan (?) alone. I'm only able to identify it based on the language I heard the stewardess speak. I couldn’t understand much of what anyone was saying as I was brought around by guides. I reached into my pockets to find my phone, but it was switched to Airplane Mode. I had no physical currency and nothing was accessible at this time. The only thing I knew for certain: I was the last passenger to exit this flight.

When I left the airport terminal, the guides led me to a train that would take me far away from the city. I couldn’t read any street signs or marquees and the conductor didn’t announce my stop. We passed through neighboring towns quickly and the backdrop became a blur. Then, I arrived to a small store front, where I picked up a personal WiFi device, luggage and some money. I thanked the clerk and this hub vanished like mist- The scene opened into some grassy plains. The field was a luscious green and hardly any clouds in the blue sky.

Someone appeared from the bushes to greet and thank me for coming, even though I didn’t know exactly where we were. Although others were present, I experienced great loneliness within, unable to express or convey the feeling. I remember another older woman watched over a flower bed quietly. I came to the conclusion that I was taken there because someone had died. I don’t know who passed away, but instinct told me to comfort the widow. Her head hung low and silk black hair veiled her face.

As I reached out, I wondered who was mourning? I woke up wanting to figure out the symbols I saw in this realm. I don’t know who I feel more sorrows for: the widow, the unknown deceased, or myself. I think about what this vision shows and if it’s telling me things about someone I know in real life. I’d say this is my first time in awhile that I experienced intense emotions in my sleep. Imagine being lost within a world where you can’t communicate freely - the only thing you can offer is your time and compassion.

- Eulogy for the Departed -

Thank You for taking this time to join me, as we gather to remember those who no longer stand among us. They may remain in our thoughts, but do not appear in our day to day lives. Those that have left still reserve space in our hearts, as their presence molded memories and gave us experiences over the course of time. Their image and likeness becomes part of the past as we move forward. We say all of these things with good intentions and refer to them now as, “The Departed.“

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I wanted to write this (Eulogy) in such a way that it could be about anyone, whether they‘re alive or deceased. This can be about someone who has chosen introversion over social activity. It can be about someone who‘s no longer active in your life or community. I think deeply about this - about the people I’ve walked away from as well as those who distanced themselves from me. It evokes loss, but reveals greater truths. It’s not necessarily about why someone leaves, but what their absence teaches us about ourselves. As someone once told me, “You can do all of this without me.”

Related Content:
http://atcampiris.blogspot.com/2018/09/two-wrongs-wont-grow.html - "Two Wrongs Wont Grow"
http://atcampiris.blogspot.com/2018/09/poetry-love-answered.html -  Poetry - "Love Answered"
